Marinette County Hobbist
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Hello from Admin

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Hello from Admin Empty Hello from Admin

Post by Admin Tue Dec 27, 2016 11:41 am

Greetings! On here I'm simply sticking with "Admin", but otherwise I would normally go by soothsayer. To my friends and family, I am Mike.

So why did I do this? What possessed me to create the Marinette County Hobbyist forum? I honestly don't know. It isn't as if I am showcasing my works or anything, there aren't any links from this site to others. I'm not drawing attention to myself, as I'm the only one reading and writing on here (and chances are rather high that that'll be the case next year as well). So if it isn't the desire to make a name for myself, then why? I guess mainly to have a record of what I have done, and to try to define who I am. Maybe it's a midlife crisis thing, who knows. I just want a place where I can post my stuff and express myself. I have that with Facebook, but that isn't the same, it doesn't give me the opportunity to create as this does. Eventually I'll create a Facebook page and link it to this.

Then there's the off chance that I may find other link minded individuals. Where I live, Marinette County (Wisconsin), there really isn't much in the way of creativity... at least not known. There aren't too many crafting groups out there. We're in vacation land, caught forever between summertime shackers and wintertime snowmobilers, with a dose of deer hunting mixed in for good measure. If there isn't a bar or five located within walking distance, then there's a craft store full of touristy knick-knacks. There has got to be more than just me out here... so maybe, just maybe, I can use this forum as a beacon to let others know they are not alone.

Right now, the forum is geared towards my interests. All the categories are subjects and things I actively do right now. I figure, since I'm doing this for myself, then this forum will be about me; if you want to know about me, then all you need to do is look no further than our main forum page. But, it is also my intention that, when new people come here, to expand and grow. I'll add more categories as people come and request it. I like to learn, I like to try new things, so even then those additional categories could be me.


Posts : 9
Join date : 2016-12-27

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